Saturday, May 28, 2011


A cute moment. Last week we were listening to a cd from Neela's school with all the songs she sings at school. I can't remember the exact song, but her and I were dancing to the song. By dancing I mean we were basically moving our hips and shoulders back and forth.

Well, my little pro dancer decides I need to step it up a notch and tells me to turn around in circles. When did not do it right away she said, "Mommy, turn around in circles!" So I obeyed. :)

Then she said "Mommy, kick your legs up and down." So I proceeded to do as told.

Then she said "Stop." When I did not stop she said, "Mommy, stop!!" And then we had to stand still even though the music was still playing.

This story may not sound very funny written out, but the moment was hilarious! I was laughing so hard. She was basically telling me to do what they do at school. I love that she is so verbal now because I know what they say to her at school because she says the same things to her dolls, Elmo doll, and puppies.

As parents we have to be careful of how we talk to her and our dog because she does repeat what we say and how we say it. God has put a desire in our hearts for her to see God in every aspect of our lives. In our marriage, in our family life, in our discipline, with our friends, and the intentional relationships we have with people around us. God has used a book called "Sheperding a Child's Heart", "Crazy Love" and my current book, "Parenting with Love and Logic" to give us practical ways of parenting and discipling. Great books! totally recommend them. Book reviews to come soon!

Another sweet moment that just came to mind. Last night I was reading to her from her bible ("The Jesus Story Book Bible", another one i totally recommend) and we were reading about how Jesus calmed the storm. It's funny because it shows a picture of Jesus sleeping and Neela could not get passed the idea of Jesus sleeping. The story shared about how God cares for us and rescues us and she could not get past the idea of Jesus sleeping in the boat. I panicked a bit because I thought, "I don't want her to think Jesus sleeps and miss the truth that God cares for us and has rescued all of us from death!" But we talked more about how God rescues us because he loves us more than I can show her and express to her. I know God is in control and sitrring her heart and I know I should not worry. I have my moments of weakness. :)

We earnestly pray daily for her heart to know she is loved beyond what Mommy and Daddy can give and we pray she would be known as His. thankful for the gift of children.

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