Wednesday, March 31, 2010


So I occasionally read this blog from my friend Faith's page, Daily Generous Wife Tips. Man, was this post convicting.

I truly desire to be a Godly wife who honors God by loving my family well. I want my home to be a place of peace, joy, and life that is glorifying to God. But I know living in my flesh and sinful ways this does not always happen. I get home from work and I am tired, snappy, and not wanting to serve my family.

But tonight as we prayed as a family, God opened my eyes again to show me what He desires for me and that is to trust in Him daily with my family and my circumstances. Neela had surgery last week to have tubes put in her ears due to a month and a half of ear infections and come to find out... she still has an ear infection this week and is accompanied by weezy bronchitis!! Man, my heart aches for my baby girl. Tim has had a few scares potentially with his heart for a few weeks and is currently with a loop monitor. About 2 weeks ago we had to call an ambulance one morning due to him waking up having difficulty breathing, seeing spots, and hearing a static noises. Man was that scary!! I love him so much and it hurt to see him go through worrying and and wondering what is going on. I am at a loss at times to know what to say to encourage him. But I trust God will be his ultimate comfort and peace. I struggle to just serve my family all the time because I am selfish and want time to myself or just to do nothing. But I know God is using this time to fix my eyes and heart on him for direction, wisdom, and strength. He alone is my refuge. ("Taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed are those to take comfort in Him alone." Psalm 34:8)

So when I think about being married to myself right now, I just think it would not be fun to be around myself. What a great perspective and an eye opener. I am thankful I don't have to be married to myself. I would go crazy. :) I don't know how Tim does it. :) I am thankful God loves me as I am and is daily sanctifying me and drawing me closer to him. What a beautiful and gracious God we serve.

Below is the post I read tonight....

Would you want to be married to you?

I found this question in a post on Simple Marriage (Corey's blog is my current painful introspective obsession).

So, would you want to be married to you? How would you feel about being on the receiving end of your peculiarities, your selfishness, your obsessions, your limitations, and the things you won't let go of even though you know you should? Would you feel blessed or cheated if you received from your bride what she receives from you? Do you offer enough love, concern, support, understanding and space? Are you too critical, too distant, or too avoidant? Do you make your needs, desire and wants far bigger than you see her needs, desire and wants?

If you don't like what you see when you answer these questions honestly, it's time to pick one thing and start working on it; then another thing and another.

If you like what you see when you answer these questions, there is a very good chance you are not being completely honest.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Neela's 9 Month Photo Shoot Preview

Another Video- 10 months

Keepin it short and sweet this time. Neela is 10 months old and practicing walking with her walker. She is so funny with this toy because she is so possessive of this toy. When she falls she gets crazy about getting back up and walking with it. Even if we are trying to help her get up, she gets crazy thinking we are going to take her away from it or something. Anyway, she keeps us on our toes and lovin life. What a precious blessing.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

New Discovery... Toliet Paper

Neela's new discovery...TOILET PAPER!! It's so funny. When she spots it, she starts crawling with a mission. Fast and straight forward. She knows exactly what to do, she starts spinning the toilet paper until she sees the end and then startsa pulling. :)

"Mom, it's called practicing my motor skills."

Action shot!

Finished Product.

Last night when we were reading a book, we were reading "Where is Baby's Belly Button", Neela would lift the tab that covered the baby and I would say BOO! She would laugh so hard. She proceeded again to slowly put the tab back down, wait 2 seconds, and then do it again and I would say BOO! and this continued six times. I was doing my best not to die laughing it was so cute. I love to watch her grow.

Friday, March 5, 2010


Neela is officially crawling and she is lovin it!

Now she is racing around the house like she owns the place. :) If she wants to go to the next room, she does not wait for us, she takes it upon herself to go exploring without us. :) She is quick at pulling herself up on things like the coffee table, couch, chairs, the tub, and even the toilet (yeah, a little gross I know. :) )

She is a mover and a groover. :)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Valentine's Day 2010

This has been one of my favorite Valentine's so far. This was our 1st Valentine's with a child and we loved it. Tim is a husband who loves me well year round and still spoils me on Valentine's Day. :) We had such a relaxing day.

-We started the day by going to church and enjoyed a yummy brunch (we met at the Dennis' home due to the marathon passing on Burnet Rd).

-We came home relaxed on the couch while Neela took her nap. It's funny how we enjoy the little things of watching the nothingness on tv. :)

-After Neela woke up, we spent special time with her and her best friend, Rocky. (aka our dog :) )

- We then went on a hike at Bull Creek Trail. The afternoon started out sunny and warm, but then quickly turned cold. Rocky and Neela loved it, but Tim and I were freezing. :) Neela was just giggling away at Rocky. She loves him so much.

- After we left the trail, Tim dropped us off at home and he went to get take out for dinner. Tim wanted to cook me dinner, but we decided it would be more relaxing to just pick something up and not have to clean up the kitchen. :) So he went to Whole Foods (Tim's new favorite grocery store) and it was fabulous!!

- Neela ended up having a rough night, but we just thought.... Welcome to parenthood!!

Tim gave me a gift certificate for a 90 minute massage!!! Can't wait to use it. What an amazing man. Man do I love him!

Happy Valentine's Day!!

9 months old!

It has been an exciting journey with our baby girl! Really, we know how blessed we are to experience the joy of taking care of and protecting this precious life. It's overwhelming at times t know God has entrusted us with Neela's life for this season of life. We don't know what we are going , but we do know as we rely and trust in God, he will guide us daily on this sweet journey. It's such a responsibility and tiring at times, but we wouldn't change a thing.

Every month has been full of major milestones of smiling, kicking, rolling over, sitting up, eating food, sleeping through the night, laughing, pointing, teething, and now crawling. (not in this order though :) )

Our daily prayer is for Neela is for her to know she is dead in her sin without the life saving grace of Jesus. We pray she would know Jesus died on the cross for her sins and conquered death so that she may have eternal life. We pray she finds her hope in him alone, understands that God created her uniquely with talents and beauty, and that she falls more in love with Jesus daily. It is when she is experiencing true love that she can express this love to others.

Disciplining is coming soon, so if you think about us please pray for wisdom as we start this stage of life. :)

She is falling more in love with Rocky everyday. It's so cute!