Friday, March 13, 2009

North Village Church

Looking around when you are at work, the grocery store, the gym, or just eating out you encounter people who are hopeless about life, searching for purpose, have questions about God, or just desire deeper relationships.

God has called believers to know God and make Him known. We are to love others as God loves us and gave His Son as a sacrifice for the salvation of mankind. We are called to make disciples and teach them how to love and obey God. (Matthew 28:19,20)
We cannot do this in our own ability, but through the holy spirit who lives in us.

Tim and I have the opportunity to be a part of what God is doing in Austin. We will be a part of a new church named North Village Church which is a church plant from Hill Country Bible Church. We are excited to move from Dallas to Austin and see God moving in the lives of people in Austin.

We don't want "church" to be a building we meet in once a week, but the body of Christ going into the community and loving others with the love Christ has given us, serving others selflessly, and sharing God's truth of our Beloved Savior.

We have been in awe of God's faithfulness so far of providing a vision for Austin, a team of believers in love with the Lord, and us seeing God pave the road for us to be in Austin. Tim is continuing to raise support and God has really encouraged us with friends who have already given and is continuing to teach us patience to rest in His promise of providing what we need.

This is an exciting, but nerve racking time of Tim graduating from Dallas Theological Seminary, me having our baby girl, and us moving to Austin all in one month. But we trust God is in control and is all-sufficient to meet our needs.

We have a Dog Fair this weekend in Austin on Sunday at Brentwood Park. Come check it out!! We are going to have a blast!

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